Huh? What? That's what we just said (except without involving the rest of the family, because, you know, they don't claim to have won non-existent wedding photography awards and extort favors from newlyweds and money from airlines).
With the trouble that Fish is going through, maybe its time for a special posting dedicated to Susannah? A timeline, summary of her activities from Yuckystalkers to trying to buy off FishFraud, until now.....
Wonder if Fish's baby momma is preparing to be a guest blogger on FishFraud to tell all. I would pay to read that. I'm sure the other two of us would chip in as well.
Also, she can be compelled to testify against him in any of his criminal dealings because she was smart enough not to hitch her wagon to his sinking ship.
I would love to share a story of baby mama acting like a douche in public... but I was the only one there and she saw me there and I live in the neighborhood (or should I say neighbourhood) so she would know who I am if I were to share. But I can vouch for the fact that she is a douche, and the twin Volvos still reside in the same driveway. Oh, and the power outage only lasted like 4 or 5 hours, not the agonizing 12 hours tweeted by Fish Stick.
hey neighbours - I'm curious as to how you found this site. For us travel and photo types, its obvious, but for locals I'm just wondering what made y'all find this site.
Let's just say female intuition. I knew he was off after witnessing him blubber about what he did for a living...... and then good old google! There were red flags just meeting one child and seeing the behavior and lack of control the child had in social situations. Sad really...
Why yes it is!! It's bringing neighbors together, and warning the public of these crazy loons! I know I have personally sent the FF link to everyone I know and everyone in the hood! If not for there own protection, at least they have another time waster on their smart phone!
I have also heard him go on and on about his accomplishments. He wouldn't be so annoying if within a minute after meeting him he didn't show you an inflated self image. He is the least humble person I have ever encountered.
Fish has the nerve to make comments on other people's simple acts of love?! Don't cheapen something you only wish you had buddy! Little Mr. Manner's always has too much to say!
Flying With Fish @katruns26point2 I don't need to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm to see self loathing Jews, I can be around my family :0)
Not to mention your childrens' baby momma...
From her Facebook page...oops
Philosophy Religious Views
* be nice to people I believe in love and kindness. I believe in me.
Susannah Seefeldt Infection Control Nurse at Registered Nurse (RN) \
Infection? too rich...
Favorite Quotations It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. -Theodore Roosevelt + “Any reward that is worth... having only comes to the industrious. The success which is made in any walk of life is measured almost exactly by the amount of hard work that is put into it.” ― Calvin Coolidge + “There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”― John Lennon +
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." -Marilyn Monroe + “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.” ― Maya Angelou + "Always fall in with what you're asked to accept. Take what is given, and make it over your way. My aim in life has always been to hold my own with whatever's going. Not against: with". Robert Frost + “When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.” ― Fred Rogers + "the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..." -jack kerouac + "I'm not ashamed of anything. Where my body is is a very precious place. It's concentrated ground." -Edith Ewing Bouvier + "I get it now; I didn't get it then. That life is about losing and about doing it as gracefully as possible...and enjoying everything in between." - Mia Farrow
Interesting then, because my limited understanding of the tenants of maternal lineage in Judaism would lead me to believe that his children aren't Jewish. Sort of makes you wonder if the whole mohel incident wasn't then completely fabricated? Any way you look at it, this guy's life is a mess lived out on the internet.
I see that a whole boatload of people lined up to guest blog for Frischling's so called blog. Is your blog really that important Frischling that you needed guests?
My understanding is that if the mother is not Jewish, the baby isn't Jewish. Susannah claims to have a Sicilian butcher father-do we know this to be true? Didn't she run away as a teenager to become implanted with Frischling spawn? Does she still have contact with her family?
Now Steven will be able to use an inheritance to pay his fines and restitution.... which means he isn't going away. Which means our work and vigilance at scouring our industry of retards continues unabated!
On another note: Frischling has a new female-themed clone of his greatness. Social media lessons from the Gawds of Industry... oh my...What did these people fucking do to survive before they discovered the Internet?!?
It is unfair to lump Hillery Smith Shay Garrison in with Steven Frischling.
She recently joined SportsShooter to shamelessly self-promote some questionable posts on her own site, under the guise of being a "consultant". Let's chalk this up to not knowing her target audience and being freshly unemployed with her newly minted MBA.
Unlike Frischling, she's been gainfully employed for almost two decades, even though it has been by job hopping and being Peter Principled at almost every stop. She's a good, talented person, and has not ever been charged with a felony and hasn't left a track record of ripping people off for years.
Has she exhibited some bad judgement, yes. But she is no Frischling.
I think I'm going to stop following this blog as of today. The guy is a MAJOR DOUCHE but his father just died and yet we cannot just leave even THAT alone.
There comes a point where you cross the line. This is NOT directed to the moderator as the moderator has really been great, but the comments may have gone too far now.
^Give me a break. There's been barely a peep about it. Considering Fish wasn't even friends with his dad on Facebook (but his brothers are), what kind of relationship do you think they had? People die, sad fact of life. Doesn't make Frischling a sympathetic human being in any way. He's a despicable pile of shit.
If you had experiences with him, or most importantly, wanted to protect others from his BS, you'd probably fall on the side of wanting to see how this plays out. My main reason for being here is not to make fun of him (although I've had some fun writing some humor), but to see that he doesn't inflict really bad advice and rip people off as he HAS done in the past. He can be as big an ass as he wants to be in his personal life, that's his business, but when he bullshits as a so called professional journalist online, or anywhere else, then he opens himself up to critique and scrutiny.
10:19...I hope you have noticed that ms shay's appearance on SS has been met with, well.....noticeable indifference...her first post, which obviously was nothing but self-promotion for her suspect blog...was met with a bunch of "huh's". all of her recent posts die a short one cares. as 7:18 said she has moved through the industry like many of her real talent or skills but the peter principle at work. I mean go to her site and try and find any decent photos SHE shot. poser. the industry is filled with them...I mean really, how the fuck do you think kenny irby has a job?
I am not the only one getting bored with all this? I have been entertained for a bit over a year since this started, but now it just seems trivial. Making fun of someone's dad dying? I mean really. Making fun of other people? How far away this blog has gotten from it's original mission.
And what was the point anyhow? Revenge? To stop someone from getting business? Watch him get punished (which doesn't seem to really be happening anyhow)?
I think it might be time for me to grow up and not be entertained by such a waste of time. I hope others might be able to join me.
"Flying With Fish I sat down with a spread sheet and chart I created this morning ... and forgot to label what it went to. UGH! What do these numbers mean?"
Now that's how you create meaningful self-promotion with social media. I mean who wouldn't want to hire an expert consultant who hasn't figured out how the "save as" function is used?
Don't forget to tout your particular expertise to create great self-promotion!
"Flying With Fish You know the most frustrating thing in analyzing #socialmedia? Those who haven't a clue but think they are doing it excellently. #SMtravel"
The great state of Connecticut didnt see fit to drop your charges due to a death in the family. We will not end our campaign against 'hyperfishilitis' due to a death in your family. We can MOURN a real citizen (if your father actually was less of a douche than you- I always wondered where you got it from) while we SCORN those who have earned the enmity of their customer base and peers.
People die. They die all the time. You sir, do not get a free pass in temporal matters while grieving over spiritual soul-related matters. I am afraid youre going to have to use your multi-tasking skills and do both.
So for all those looking to wrap Steven in a rainbow coat of religiosity, faith, and truth-bringing... enjoy! We're young. We have plenty of time to sit back and watch Steven soul-syphon everything from all his supporters, customers, neighbors, landlords, and family. Im OK with Steven taking everything fr his friends and family, and leaving them a dysfunctional urban ghetto posse. What Im not OK with- is his being used as a source for print or photojournalism by anyone who has not vetted his douchtacularity.
Fish-supporters please continue to keep yappin about his suppossed virtue! In the end... if he really is a virtuous and improperly maligned citizen- he will be ultimately vindicated in history. Good luck with that. This retard has become an epic tale of what not to ever become in the field of journalism and should be a case-study for visual comm. ppl well into the next century.
flyingwithfish I love when the New York Times retweets me ... apparently all my useless knowledge of airline & airports comes in handy once in a while :0) 3:56 PM Feb 3rd from TweetDeck
When did the NY Times retweet anything by Frischling/flyingwithfish? There's nothing going back to 12/2/11. Steven Frischling, you're still a useless dick.
flyingwithfish @DonNadeau I dunno ... my Dad raised two journalists and a lawyer, there had to be an error in how he raised us somewhere :0) 2:38 PM Jan 30th from TweetDeck
Have no fear. NOTHING, not one thing, should be trusted that comes out of that guy's mouth. Everything he says serves but one purpose, to serve himself. Don't believe anything until it's verified. He can't tell the truth about ANYTHING.
Defendant Information Last, First:Birth Year:Times on the Docket:Represented By:FRISCHLING STEVEN E 197515428345 BACHAND DISCALA Current Charges Statute Description Class Type Occ Offense Date Plea Verdict Finding 53a-123 LARCENY 2ND DEG C Felony 1 1/19/2010 53a-138 FORGERY 1ST DEG C Felony 1 1/19/2010
Register for Notification in CT SAVIN
If it was dismissed, it wouldn't still be in the system. When the decision to dismiss has been made, they don't schedule another hearing for 2 months later.
I'm getting kind of bored with the recent content, so I was thinking of some ideas to recommend to spice things up.
How about this - we do a crowd source to create a hilarious Steven Frischling motivational poster. First, we submit ideas for the title and sub, then we find somebody good with graphics to come up with the image.
The idea is we can create something really funny. It should have enough FishFraud content, but at the same time it should also be relevant to non-fans so that perhaps one day it will go viral. The image will have the FishFraud url on it!
There are so many of these faux motivational posters going around, it will be hilarious!
"Flying With Fish Folks, while #sociamedia engagement is important for using #SM properly, you also needs to make room for content for attraction. #SMtravel"
"Flying With Fish Best line of the morning "You must make a fortune off writing about airlines and the TSA!" .... ummmmm ... let me look ... not even close."
Of course not. How can one be a successful professional when there are hardly any real clients, few paychecks and when every day is filled with too much personal and non-market directed twitter activity? It's almost like a business plan in how not to market a professional brand in social media.
Come on, its been more than two years now. He should just give up on trying to be a "social media strategist and executor" and move on to something else.
What will be more embarrassing? 1. Living rent free with the mother of your 3 kids who you never married and who doesn't really like you 2. Living rent free in jail
"Come on, its been more than two years now. He should just give up on trying to be a "social media strategist and executor" and move on to something else."
Hahahahhaha. Pot calling the kettle black? At least him TRYING to be one (which of course he isn't) is in the productive realm, where TRYING to destroy another person is more in the ass realm.
And yes, of course this HAS to be Stephen or one of his minions right? Because no sane person would think this whole blog has become a bit pathetic.
Damn it, I guess I am guilty too because I came back to read this blog. However, it has turned from reading how stupid Stephen is to reading how stupid the comments are. So I guess, there is some entertainment left here.
Like he is going to. And yea, sorry I know people with "ph" and always do that.
Thing is in the whole spectrum of people and what they are capable of doing, someone who lies and steals money is not worth all this time and effort IMHO.
It seems like he used to provide actual content. Now people just sit and wait for his every FB or Twitter post to try and insult it. Seems a bit weak if you ask me.
He cheated people with the wedding photos. He stole social media money. Solid stuff. The rest just seems sad.
Actually, I meant the comment as genuine advice. I'm a FishFraud fan, but my intent is not to hurt the guy. If he were my closest friend, I would be telling him the same.
"Flying With Fish You ever think there are some entities you just can't help, no matter how much effort you put into getting them going the right way? #OyVey"
Steven Frischling Interview for an entirely digital job ... bring a paper resume or no? What if they already sought you out on LinkedIn and spent a week (unknown to you) following your Twitterstream?
His #1 question in a job interview has to be how to explain FishFraud. If he believes someone will take the effort to follow his Twitterstream, you can pretty much be assured they have also googled his name. Good luck with that.
Could you imagine interviewing for any real job with Fish's life history. 1. Currently standing trial for fraud/embezzling. 2. Has a huge blog devoted to pointing out what a douchebag he is 3. Confirmed pathological liar 4. Unemployed for about a decade, if not longer 5. Three illegitimate kids (getting to be NBA levels here) 6. Never went to college 7. ... 8. Profit
Does anyone interview anyone without googling them anymore?
Its become pretty much standard practice for me. If I have to interview a candidate (assuming he is already shortlisted and I'm not the hiring manager), I'll spend at least as much time on a quick search as I will reading a reading the resume before I even see the candidate.
"Flying With Fish @i_stephie @jenn_seeley Most tweeters, including large companies with social media teams, do not use Twitter effectively. I have the stats. 1 hour ago"
"Flying With Fish @AustinKVS Unless you plays for the Red Sox he ain't nuthin' Although, I spent a year shooting for Harvard's Sports Info Dept, so he's OK"
He stretches it again just to get in on Linsanity!
From the same site: "Also called AR. A program that gives persons charged with a crime or motor vehicle violation for the first time a second chance. The person is placed on probation for up to two years. If probation is completed satisfactorily, the charges are dismissed."
Yea. Fish might have done some bad things, but if he is the worst person you have ever interacted with and you have to waste you life waiting on everything he says and comment on this blog about it -- pathetic.
If SF is the worst person you have ever met, have ever interacted with, consider yourself lucky. Do not get me wrong. He is NO saint, but is he willing all this? Fuck no.
Move on. Use this energy for someone who is truly a bad person.
" He is NO saint, but is he willing all this? Fuck no."
Actually, Hell yes! Karma is a bitch. He is far from the worst person I have ever met but he is the leader in the most consistent absence of self-control/self-awareness while telling everyone else how to do it properly category which puts him in the piñata league. We're just wailing for the fences and some candy.
'Right now it is a cross section of so many things I can’t even tell you exactly what it is I do. I am a photographer, I build social media for airline & aerospace companies, I write a syndicated blog and occasionally consult on aviation security issues.' "
Don't you have to get paid to call it an "occupation"?
Dear Steven Frischling I will not communicate with you directly. You are a liar and a thief and therefore cannot be trusted in any way. But I recommend you download and read this.
Not for yourself - you are beyond redemption no matter the CT court system says.
But for your kids who have to take your name with them - read this for them.
Hey guys, I want to see some new content. I've got a great idea, how about doing one of the popular meme "this is what my parents think I do......this is what my friends think I do...this is what I really do"
"Before setting up the blog I spent the previous year flying an average of 15,000 miles a week for work..."
15,000 miles a week on average? Please. If he flew the equivalent of SFO-HKG round trip every week, he wouldn't even get to 15,000 miles. This also suggests that some weeks he was flying in excess of 15,000 miles.
SF...nobody...nobody believes this crap. Not only did you not fly nearly 800,000 in a year, but you most likely have not flown 800 miles in the past 12 months.
Surprised no FF fans have called BMI out on being 'had' by posting a profile of this guy. I'd do it myself, but fear the reprisal of someone who has nothing else to do but try to mine the internet for someone's personal data.
"Flying With Fish @RWMann Hey Ahmadinejad can't be all that bad, he goes casual with no tie & his national #airline invited me over to check them out!"
I am selling my Sigma 120-300f2.8, Canon mount. The lens is in outstanding condition, with the exception of a circular pattern paint wear on the monopod socket.
I love the lens, but simply does not makes sense for what I have been shooting for the past year or two.
I am asking US$2,250 for the lens, including ConUS Priority Mail Shipping. The lens comes with the rear cap, front cap, hood and OEM soft case.
If interested drop me an email at fish @
The lens is obviously the one longer one of the two below (yes the tape will be removed and residue cleaned off)
"Flying With Fish Dear #Airline & #Travel #SocialMedia Executor, Tweeting to humanize a brand is great ... but stay on topic! You represent your brand not you"
Too much, here's our self-annointed SM guru admonishing people to stay on topic when tweeting. Just nuts!
"Flying With Fish How does a check evaporate into thin air? I know where I put it and poof ... it seems to have taken the weekend off. Have you seen it?"
"Flying With Fish @macahan2000 My first DSLR , which was owned by those I shot for, was in 1994. Big, heavy, slow, horrible image quality, bad battery no LCD"
Freelance Photographer The Associated Press Nonprofit; 1001-5000 employees; Online Media industry 1992 – 1997 (5 years)
We all know the AP Guild/Company rules prevented the wire service from loaning equipment to freelancers and stringers. Anyone with NYC AP experience ever recall him, or any other stringer/freelancer using an AP issued DSLR in 1994?
After the introduction of the notorious AP stringer contract in 1996, letting stringers use company gear was strictly verboten, but prior to the contract many buros around the country lent stringers gear if they were in the circle of trust. However, I seriously doubt that Fishfocker ever was in the circle.
Anybody out there with more FIshinfo, any news, bloopers, anything, it is so quiet in here. Any Fish sightings? Arrests? Anything? Evictions? Has he gone quiet or have people just stopped listening to the idiot?
Steven Frischling I almost can't believe that after nine months I am done fighting all this. Justice may be slow, but apparently works! Like · · about a minute ago near New London, CT ·
Steven Frischling You know what has always pissed me off? When newspapers write about someone being charged with a crime ... but when those charges are dismissed (without arraignment or trial) the newspapers have no interest in writing about that. That pissed me off even when I worked at newspapers and it pisses me off even more now.
Someone accuses you and you're guilty. Court determines the allegations have no merit and people still think you're guilty. Like · · a few seconds ago ·
Hey Fishdick, pleading no contest to avoid trial and having to serve a punishment in exchange for getting your charges dismissed is not the same as innocent.
I'm hoping that his efforts (see below) to contact Karen Florin, a writer at The Day Newspaper in New London, CT, are successful. It would be great to see a follow up article describing the felony charges and their eventual disposition (note to SF, that word is different that 'dismissal'). A proper writer will understand the difference between an Accelerated Rehabilitation program and a dismissal. Would love a more in-depth article that discusses his 'job' in more detail. The "Consultant and Corporate Photographer" whose business location is "The World". Can't wait for the shots of the ol' office there. See if the new digs have reached the slum-like quality of his last trashed-out leased house. ------ @KFLORIN I dropped you an email, would love to chat. Please give me a call. Thanks
"Connecticut authorities dropped a case against aviation blogger Steven Frischling on now-unproven larceny and forgery charges. The case revolved around Frischling’s work for in 2011 the KLM blog and his role in carrying out the project allegedly on behalf of the Innovation Analysis Group, which triggered the investigation. State authorities disposed of the case on March 9 and there was no settlement. Frischling, who pens the Flying With Fish blog on aviation issues says the “allegations against me were baseless and unfounded. At this time, I am happy this unfortunate turn of events has come to a close. The legal system ultimately worked the way it is supposed to and common sense prevailed”. Addison Schonland of Innovation Analysis Group expressed disappointment in the outcome."
yep a real credible source. I am sure the information was provided directly by our buddy. Let's see some real facts not Frischling's friends repeating his words
Who is Judith Leist? Best as I can tell, Judith Leist is non-existent. Let's see news coverage of what really happened. Anyone with any experience with Frischling understands that nothing he says can be trusted.
Regardless of which prior bad acts were excluded in his criminal case... those bad acts will continue to haunt him in the real world. I couldn't care less whether the rarified air in his head makes him think all is well in the blogosphere. Because:
If he's such an awesome PJ- then he'd still be dropping lenses fr arena catwalks for AP/UPI/Getty/AFP/TARS/whatever He's NOT.
If Steven were trusted in actual journalism circles- by his own acct. he should already be a news anchor for one of the major networks. He's NOT.
If he was the awesomest (sic) travel strategist ever- he'd still be showing KLM/Lufthansa/Crackheadhanza/Air Mogadishu how to get'er done, eh!? He's NOT. The only high-flying he should be doing is on anti-psychotics.
If he was such an awesome wedding shooter he'd be shooting spring weddings right now- He's NOT.
If Steven was such an awesome parent and provider- he'd be.... fucking providing! He's NOT.
Tweeting about the seat setback and isle width on an airliner you haven't even flown in yet is a bit ghetto, eh? I suppose you could have used the holodeck on the Enterprise to replicate the cabin interior for your report.
Whether CONN dropped the ball in your CON case is irrelevant. Karma is exciting on the backstroke... it always comes back around.
That Judith Leist "blog" appears to be nothing but relisted articles. Nothing of original content. No "about" nor "contact" info is listed either. There is a link to a "Judith Leist" Facebook page. On that Facebook page are wall links to various Judith Leist activities - including (here's the fun part), that in Jan 2012 Judith Leist is a New York entrepreneur, runs an online clothing company, is a private nutritional consultant, runs a baby food delivery service, was born in Miami, is a professional musician playing in orchestras throughout Europe, has one son, has two sons, has one dog, has two dogs, has three dogs, is from Arizona, has four children, lives in New York, lives in San Diego, was born in Atlanta, was a recruitment consultant, was a nanny in Australia, won first place in an amateur Atlanta filmmaking competition - and that's from the first page.
I don't know how that works, but that's bullshit of some sort.
From the Dick Cheney playbook: Feed the story to the NY Times during the week, then on the weekend go on one of the news talk shows and quote the story you planted to begin with.
You have to admire Steven for upping his game to that level of dishonesty.
Thank you for the info. I misunderstood the comment. I thought SF had given the story to the NYT and was later quoted on some show. I was thinking, the NYT?! Steven interviewed on some show? WTF. I want to see that. Oh man, I gave him way too much credit. Now I see what you meant. But this is too funny. The best Steven can do is rate a Judith Leist phony website.
tnooz editorial - who is checking their stories and facts? If you're telling the truth Frischling, you'll have no worries.
Editorial Editor Kevin May. or call +44 7870 677716 or Skype. North America editor Dennis Schaal. or call +1 908 656 1783 or Skype. Europe reporter Linda Fox.
Frischling, 36, of 49 Sea Breeze Ave. had been granted accelerated rehabilitation, a diversionary program that enables first-time offenders to maintain a clean criminal record if they successfully complete a probationary period. Frischling completed the program and the state notified the court he would not be prosecuted. His attorney, Frank DiScala, then asked for a dismissal, which was granted by the court on March 9.
He altered the bank numbers. This is clear- he says so. Was he authorized to do so? Not according to at least one party. Apparently a court agreed. He committed an offense requiring probation and rehabilitation. In the end, if he isn't allowed access to the $22,000, then he wasn't authorized to do so.
From this:
"First off, the term ‘rejected landing‘ is not an official or definable term."
Now Google® "rejected landing" and voilá, there you see the FAA and Airbus, numerous pilots' online forums,,, and even alleged Fish client USAToday among those using the term.
He also has trouble with the words "arrested," "extortion," "probation," "That never actually happened," "I'm sorry for keeping these for so long, I'll get them to you right away," and bank routing numbers.
"Records show Frischling was granted acceptance into Accelerated Rehabilitation, a probationary program for first-time offenders that leaves the accused with a clean record when it is completed."
See Steven, the charges weren't dropped. They were dismissed after you admitted guilt in a plea deal in exchange for going into a probation program. Innocent people aren't referred to as "offenders" and don't cop a plea and go into a probation program.
Say what you will but we will always know you for the unceasing dishonesty that defines your so-called career.
"Flying With Fish RT @thinkTANKphoto: Q. Do you need to formally study photography to be a good photographer? (Nope, not at all)"
Sure all you need to do is not deliver the photos and lie to all of your colleagues about your numerous heroic exploits for which you have no images and, poof, a "good photographers" is born! Hallelujah!
He's defending himself against "Hiker" on his blog. "Hiker" claims his blog is largely irrelevant: "Secondly, give that I frequently cover stories in depth, and on a consistent basis, having beaten ‘major media’ to a number of big TSA stories, stories involving airlines such as Air India, beating everyone to the story of Emirates pulling the A380 from NYC by three months (yes they have brought it back) and undertake considerable research and time investment in what I do …"
Did any of that mean anything? Maybe Hiker should ask how he got those the exclusive on those 17 TSA interviews.
"If you don’t like my content, you are free to simply not read it … but if you think I write my blog for the money, you should think again."
For such a SM marketing whiz he really knows how to employ best practices in reader engagement. Oh I get it, he writes the blog for self promotion by encouraging people not to read it. My head hurts...
And ^05:20PM, you should really put a warning on that first url link! ;-]
Sorry about that. Between the typos, Frischling's mixed messages, and his photos, you need to protect yourself before opening any links. Be sure to ask loved ones to leave the room, and wear a helmet. Some people might consider taking off their glasses too.
Someone should ask the photo editors at the Strib why they are using an 11 year old file photo of a couple whose flock of sheep were confiscated by the USDA in Vermont to illustrate a story about an Ojibwe writer in Minnesota? That's some sad and lazy work. Hopefully AFP/Getty doesn't have to pay fishfunk any royalties!
@flyingwithfish RT @benetwilson 5 Stealth Ways to Find a New #Job with #SocialMedia Trust me-I'm living proof this does work! #jobs #SMHe's
Hahaha...he's proof out how someone can get jobs through SM? Pssst, Stevie, if you don't get paid, they aren't jobs! New Rules!
"Description TweetAFlight, powered by, is a managed e-commerce solution that leverages an innovative social media strategy to monetize Twitter followers."
Perhaps you need to call a temporary cease fire on Steven, and shift our attention to what an insensitive twat Susannah is.
ReplyDeleteShockingly insensitive comment by Nurse Ratched. Makes us three FishFraud fans look like saints in comparison.
ReplyDeleteHuh? What? That's what we just said (except without involving the rest of the family, because, you know, they don't claim to have won non-existent wedding photography awards and extort favors from newlyweds and money from airlines).
ReplyDeleteWow, she's a douchette.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the charming Nurse Ratched was the one administering the epi? Hard to believe the two of them are still living together.
ReplyDeletehey frischling neighbors, can you tell us if steven frischling's "wife" still lives with him?
ReplyDeleteYes, just saw the two of them together driving to "their house" a couple of days ago. The two cars are always there
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine a more mean comment at such a sensitive time. What a dysfunctional freak show. Clearly Jerry Springer material.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the FB post has been removed, but it will forever live on FishFraud!
ReplyDeleteWith the trouble that Fish is going through, maybe its time for a special posting dedicated to Susannah? A timeline, summary of her activities from Yuckystalkers to trying to buy off FishFraud, until now.....
ReplyDeleteShe's emotionally stunted as you can tell by her righting "yuckystalkers"
ReplyDeleteReally, this chick has kids¿!?
ReplyDeleteExcuse me!
A new tweets in 24 hours!
ReplyDeleteWonder if Fish's baby momma is preparing to be a guest blogger on FishFraud to tell all. I would pay to read that. I'm sure the other two of us would chip in as well.
ReplyDeleteAlso, she can be compelled to testify against him in any of his criminal dealings because she was smart enough not to hitch her wagon to his sinking ship.
As of now, Sunny Volvo is no longer friends with our hero, Fish, on Facebook.
DeleteI would pay big time for a Sunny Volvo tell-all!
ReplyDeleteI would love to share a story of baby mama acting like a douche in public... but I was the only one there and she saw me there and I live in the neighborhood (or should I say neighbourhood) so she would know who I am if I were to share. But I can vouch for the fact that she is a douche, and the twin Volvos still reside in the same driveway. Oh, and the power outage only lasted like 4 or 5 hours, not the agonizing 12 hours tweeted by Fish Stick.
ReplyDeleteDying to figure out who this other "neighbour" is. How do we identify eachother. Contact via email FishFraud founder and we can exchange names!!
@8:32 from 8:18: Are you the one who posted a while ago to ask you how your car is running?
ReplyDeletehey neighbours - I'm curious as to how you found this site. For us travel and photo types, its obvious, but for locals I'm just wondering what made y'all find this site.
ReplyDeleteLet's just say female intuition. I knew he was off after witnessing him blubber about what he did for a living...... and then good old google! There were red flags just meeting one child and seeing the behavior and lack of control the child had in social situations. Sad really...
DeleteHey neighbors, any truth to the rumor that he has been evicted again?
DeleteYes!! I am. I know there is a few of us in the BP area that know this mess of a family. I emailed FF and asked him to forward you my email.
ReplyDeleteFishFraud is going beyond just a blog to become a social networking microsite! Awesome.
DeleteWhy yes it is!!
ReplyDeleteIt's bringing neighbors together, and warning the public of these crazy loons!
I know I have personally sent the FF link to everyone I know and everyone in the hood! If not for there own protection, at least they have another time waster on their smart phone!
I love it! The whole 'hood knows
DeleteGives new meaning to "persona non grata"
ReplyDeleteI have also heard him go on and on about his accomplishments. He wouldn't be so annoying if within a minute after meeting him he didn't show you an inflated self image. He is the least humble person I have ever encountered.
ReplyDeleteAccomplishments? What exactly are these accomplishments?
DeleteSpitting out three kids out of wedlock and not providing shelter??????
ReplyDeleteHoly crap!! He spoke on SportsShooter!!
Wait, nevermind... Just an old thread that was bumped up and brought out of the stone ages... My bad.
DeleteFish has the nerve to make comments on other people's simple acts of love?!
ReplyDeleteDon't cheapen something you only wish you had buddy!
Little Mr. Manner's always has too much to say!
Flying With Fish
ReplyDelete@katruns26point2 I don't need to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm to see self loathing Jews, I can be around my family :0)
Not to mention your childrens' baby momma...
From her Facebook page...oops
Religious Views
be nice to people
I believe in love and kindness. I believe in me.
Susannah Seefeldt
Infection Control Nurse at Registered Nurse (RN)
Infection? too rich...
Favorite Quotations
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. -Theodore Roosevelt
“Any reward that is worth... having only comes to the industrious. The success which is made in any walk of life is measured almost exactly by the amount of hard work that is put into it.”
― Calvin Coolidge
“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”― John Lennon
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." -Marilyn Monroe
“The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
― Maya Angelou
"Always fall in with what you're asked to accept. Take what is given, and make it over your way. My aim in life has always been to hold my own with whatever's going. Not against: with".
Robert Frost
“When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.”
― Fred Rogers
"the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..."
-jack kerouac
"I'm not ashamed of anything. Where my body is is a very precious place. It's concentrated ground."
-Edith Ewing Bouvier
"I get it now; I didn't get it then. That life is about losing and about doing it as gracefully as possible...and enjoying everything in between." - Mia Farrow
Susannah is not Jewish
ReplyDeleteInteresting then, because my limited understanding of the tenants of maternal lineage in Judaism would lead me to believe that his children aren't Jewish. Sort of makes you wonder if the whole mohel incident wasn't then completely fabricated? Any way you look at it, this guy's life is a mess lived out on the internet.
ReplyDeleteHis children say they are Jewish whether they practice, I don't know.
ReplyDeleteI see that a whole boatload of people lined up to guest blog for Frischling's so called blog. Is your blog really that important Frischling that you needed guests?
ReplyDelete"Guest Post : Top Five Tips For Flying With An Infant"
ReplyDeleteApparently Susannah is guesting with tips about traveling with her babies' father...
My understanding is that if the mother is not Jewish, the baby isn't Jewish. Susannah claims to have a Sicilian butcher father-do we know this to be true? Didn't she run away as a teenager to become implanted with Frischling spawn? Does she still have contact with her family?
ReplyDeleteWho cares.
ReplyDeleteNow, to get the subject back on track:
Today is the funeral *silence* all please.
ReplyDeleteDo you think he has enough of a conscience to actually feel anything following the death of his father (if this is real?)
ReplyDeleteI can not find an obit for Reginald Frischling. Could this be a hoax??
ReplyDeleteFound the cemetary notice. False Alarm. He's dead.
ReplyDeleteNow Steven will be able to use an inheritance to pay his fines and restitution.... which means he isn't going away. Which means our work and vigilance at scouring our industry of retards continues unabated!
ReplyDeleteOn another note: Frischling has a new female-themed clone of his greatness. Social media lessons from the Gawds of Industry... oh my...What did these people fucking do to survive before they discovered the Internet?!?
Pay fines and restitution? How about first stop is the Apple store.
DeleteUnless he didn't inherit anything...
ReplyDeleteThe late Reginald Frischling's FB page lists 17 friends and Steven Frischling is not among them though his siblings are...
ReplyDeleteIt is unfair to lump Hillery Smith Shay Garrison in with Steven Frischling.
ReplyDeleteShe recently joined SportsShooter to shamelessly self-promote some questionable posts on her own site, under the guise of being a "consultant". Let's chalk this up to not knowing her target audience and being freshly unemployed with her newly minted MBA.
Unlike Frischling, she's been gainfully employed for almost two decades, even though it has been by job hopping and being Peter Principled at almost every stop. She's a good, talented person, and has not ever been charged with a felony and hasn't left a track record of ripping people off for years.
Has she exhibited some bad judgement, yes. But she is no Frischling.
I think I'm going to stop following this blog as of today. The guy is a MAJOR DOUCHE but his father just died and yet we cannot just leave even THAT alone.
ReplyDeleteThere comes a point where you cross the line. This is NOT directed to the moderator as the moderator has really been great, but the comments may have gone too far now.
Thanks for the laughs... bye.
^Give me a break. There's been barely a peep about it. Considering Fish wasn't even friends with his dad on Facebook (but his brothers are), what kind of relationship do you think they had? People die, sad fact of life. Doesn't make Frischling a sympathetic human being in any way. He's a despicable pile of shit.
ReplyDeleteCan we get to our regular programming please?
ReplyDeleteIf you had experiences with him, or most importantly, wanted to protect others from his BS, you'd probably fall on the side of wanting to see how this plays out. My main reason for being here is not to make fun of him (although I've had some fun writing some humor), but to see that he doesn't inflict really bad advice and rip people off as he HAS done in the past. He can be as big an ass as he wants to be in his personal life, that's his business, but when he bullshits as a so called professional journalist online, or anywhere else, then he opens himself up to critique and scrutiny.
ReplyDelete10:19...I hope you have noticed that ms shay's appearance on SS has been met with, well.....noticeable indifference...her first post, which obviously was nothing but self-promotion for her suspect blog...was met with a bunch of "huh's". all of her recent posts die a short one cares. as 7:18 said she has moved through the industry like many of her real talent or skills but the peter principle at work. I mean go to her site and try and find any decent photos SHE shot. poser. the industry is filled with them...I mean really, how the fuck do you think kenny irby has a job?
ReplyDeleteHillery Shay probably had a job in the industry as long as she did simply because she is a black woman. Her actual photography is terrible.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't matter how terrible or great her photography or business acumen is. She's not Frischling. This blog is about Frischling. Get on with it.
ReplyDeleteI am not the only one getting bored with all this? I have been entertained for a bit over a year since this started, but now it just seems trivial. Making fun of someone's dad dying? I mean really. Making fun of other people? How far away this blog has gotten from it's original mission.
ReplyDeleteAnd what was the point anyhow? Revenge? To stop someone from getting business? Watch him get punished (which doesn't seem to really be happening anyhow)?
I think it might be time for me to grow up and not be entertained by such a waste of time. I hope others might be able to join me.
Move on and move up! Cheers...
^ gee I wonder who that could be...
ReplyDelete1:09. As long as, eh em, Mr. Frischling, continues to be an ass on public forums, so shall people continue to make corrections.
ReplyDeleteWe should keep it focused on specific douchelistic behavior - otherwise the three of use risk looking like a bunch of uncaring douches ourselves.
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
ReplyDeleteI sat down with a spread sheet and chart I created this morning ... and forgot to label what it went to. UGH! What do these numbers mean?"
Now that's how you create meaningful self-promotion with social media. I mean who wouldn't want to hire an expert consultant who hasn't figured out how the "save as" function is used?
True genius!
Don't forget to tout your particular expertise to create great self-promotion!
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
You know the most frustrating thing in analyzing #socialmedia? Those who haven't a clue but think they are doing it excellently. #SMtravel"
This satire just writes itself some days.
This one is just too precious!
Delete1:09 or should I say Hi Steven,
ReplyDeleteThe great state of Connecticut didnt see fit to drop your charges due to a death in the family. We will not end our campaign against 'hyperfishilitis' due to a death in your family. We can MOURN a real citizen (if your father actually was less of a douche than you- I always wondered where you got it from) while we SCORN those who have earned the enmity of their customer base and peers.
People die. They die all the time. You sir, do not get a free pass in temporal matters while grieving over spiritual soul-related matters. I am afraid youre going to have to use your multi-tasking skills and do both.
So for all those looking to wrap Steven in a rainbow coat of religiosity, faith, and truth-bringing... enjoy! We're young. We have plenty of time to sit back and watch Steven soul-syphon everything from all his supporters, customers, neighbors, landlords, and family. Im OK with Steven taking everything fr his friends and family, and leaving them a dysfunctional urban ghetto posse. What Im not OK with- is his being used as a source for print or photojournalism by anyone who has not vetted his douchtacularity.
Fish-supporters please continue to keep yappin about his suppossed virtue! In the end... if he really is a virtuous and improperly maligned citizen- he will be ultimately vindicated in history. Good luck with that. This retard has become an epic tale of what not to ever become in the field of journalism and should be a case-study for visual comm. ppl well into the next century.
flyingwithfish I love when the New York Times retweets me ... apparently all my useless knowledge of airline & airports comes in handy once in a while :0)
ReplyDelete3:56 PM Feb 3rd from TweetDeck
When did the NY Times retweet anything by Frischling/flyingwithfish? There's nothing going back to 12/2/11. Steven Frischling, you're still a useless dick.
flyingwithfish @DonNadeau I dunno ... my Dad raised two journalists and a lawyer, there had to be an error in how he raised us somewhere :0)
ReplyDelete2:38 PM Jan 30th from TweetDeck
Wait, Steven Frischling has THREE siblings?
Well, at least we know which one must be the error
DeleteWhat is the latest on Frischling's court situation?
ReplyDeleteWord has it from his loudmouth Facebook posts that early in march the charges will be dropped. No details that state exactly why.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me this is not true!
DeleteHave no fear. NOTHING, not one thing, should be trusted that comes out of that guy's mouth. Everything he says serves but one purpose, to serve himself. Don't believe anything until it's verified. He can't tell the truth about ANYTHING.
ReplyDeleteDefendant Information
Last, First:Birth Year:Times on the Docket:Represented By:FRISCHLING STEVEN E 197515428345 BACHAND DISCALA
Current Charges
Statute Description Class Type Occ Offense Date Plea Verdict Finding
53a-123 LARCENY 2ND DEG C Felony 1 1/19/2010
53a-138 FORGERY 1ST DEG C Felony 1 1/19/2010
Register for Notification in CT SAVIN
If it was dismissed, it wouldn't still be in the system. When the decision to dismiss has been made, they don't schedule another hearing for 2 months later.
I'm getting kind of bored with the recent content, so I was thinking of some ideas to recommend to spice things up.
ReplyDeleteHow about this - we do a crowd source to create a hilarious Steven Frischling motivational poster. First, we submit ideas for the title and sub, then we find somebody good with graphics to come up with the image.
The idea is we can create something really funny. It should have enough FishFraud content, but at the same time it should also be relevant to non-fans so that perhaps one day it will go viral. The image will have the FishFraud url on it!
There are so many of these faux motivational posters going around, it will be hilarious!
whatcha think?
Nice Lebowski reference...
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
ReplyDeleteFolks, while #sociamedia engagement is important for using #SM properly, you also needs to make room for content for attraction. #SMtravel"
I "needs" to learn from this important advice!
Words of wisdom from the master himself.
DeleteMore self-promotional social media brilliance:
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
Best line of the morning "You must make a fortune off writing about airlines and the TSA!" .... ummmmm ... let me look ... not even close."
Of course not. How can one be a successful professional when there are hardly any real clients, few paychecks and when every day is filled with too much personal and non-market directed twitter activity?
It's almost like a business plan in how not to market a professional brand in social media.
Are there 'hardly any real clients' and 'few paychecks' or really NO real clients and NO paychecks?
DeleteDoesn't recognize sarcasm right in front of him.
ReplyDeleteA gift that never stops giving:
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
RT @LikeableMedia: 10 Tips for Creating a #SocialMedia Policy for Your Biz
(#1 BE REALISTIC! Trust me I've written one)"
Sure, I trust him about being realistic. Why on earth shouldn't we?
Come on, its been more than two years now. He should just give up on trying to be a "social media strategist and executor" and move on to something else.
ReplyDeleteWhat will be more embarrassing?
ReplyDelete1. Living rent free with the mother of your 3 kids who you never married and who doesn't really like you
2. Living rent free in jail
#1 is better because you can still keep tweeting
Delete"Come on, its been more than two years now. He should just give up on trying to be a "social media strategist and executor" and move on to something else."
ReplyDeleteHahahahhaha. Pot calling the kettle black? At least him TRYING to be one (which of course he isn't) is in the productive realm, where TRYING to destroy another person is more in the ass realm.
And yes, of course this HAS to be Stephen or one of his minions right? Because no sane person would think this whole blog has become a bit pathetic.
Damn it, I guess I am guilty too because I came back to read this blog. However, it has turned from reading how stupid Stephen is to reading how stupid the comments are. So I guess, there is some entertainment left here.
eh em, Steven spells his name with a "v."
DeleteSteven doesn't earn points by "trying." He lies a lot. That's not trying.
No one is trying to destroy someone. He's being criticized. He has plenty of opportunity to defend himself and straighten things out.
Like he is going to. And yea, sorry I know people with "ph" and always do that.
DeleteThing is in the whole spectrum of people and what they are capable of doing, someone who lies and steals money is not worth all this time and effort IMHO.
It seems like he used to provide actual content. Now people just sit and wait for his every FB or Twitter post to try and insult it. Seems a bit weak if you ask me.
He cheated people with the wedding photos. He stole social media money. Solid stuff. The rest just seems sad.
Actually, I meant the comment as genuine advice. I'm a FishFraud fan, but my intent is not to hurt the guy. If he were my closest friend, I would be telling him the same.
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
ReplyDeleteYou ever think there are some entities you just can't help, no matter how much effort you put into getting them going the right way? #OyVey"
Why, yes we do...
DeleteSteven Frischling
ReplyDeleteInterview for an entirely digital job ... bring a paper resume or no? What if they already sought you out on LinkedIn and spent a week (unknown to you) following your Twitterstream?
Like · · about a minute ago via mobile ·
His #1 question in a job interview has to be how to explain FishFraud. If he believes someone will take the effort to follow his Twitterstream, you can pretty much be assured they have also googled his name. Good luck with that.
DeleteWho would even give him an interview after following his pointless Twitterstream for a week?
DeleteCould you imagine interviewing for any real job with Fish's life history.
Delete1. Currently standing trial for fraud/embezzling.
2. Has a huge blog devoted to pointing out what a douchebag he is
3. Confirmed pathological liar
4. Unemployed for about a decade, if not longer
5. Three illegitimate kids (getting to be NBA levels here)
6. Never went to college
7. ...
8. Profit
Does anyone interview anyone without googling them anymore?
Its become pretty much standard practice for me. If I have to interview a candidate (assuming he is already shortlisted and I'm not the hiring manager), I'll spend at least as much time on a quick search as I will reading a reading the resume before I even see the candidate.
DeleteApparently that's more than some reporters (or Quote-For-Hire firms) are doing.
Delete is all they need to know
ReplyDeleteMore irony...
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
RT @JennaL15: Really great points here! Why Planned Parenthood Should Change Its Name
(Unplanned Parenthood???)"
ReplyDeleteFish, you could take some lessons from this guy.
@02:34 - wow - FF contact that story's writer because the parallels are amazing..
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
ReplyDelete@i_stephie @jenn_seeley Most tweeters, including large companies with social media teams, do not use Twitter effectively. I have the stats.
1 hour ago"
Who needs the stats when we have You?!
Frischling obviously still believes that his pointless retweets that earn him a big, meaningless Klout score are actual and effective "stats."
DeleteHe will put the "stats" under something like "community engagement"
DeleteHere's someone who actually creates meaningful stats:
Steven, can we see yours, if you really have some?
Another resumé fluffer. Now he claims to have worked for the Harvard SID. How come he has never mentioned this before?
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
@AustinKVS Unless you plays for the Red Sox he ain't nuthin' Although, I spent a year shooting for Harvard's Sports Info Dept, so he's OK"
He stretches it again just to get in on Linsanity!
DeleteAnd he was only 18, too.
Here we go again...
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
RT @LandLopers Five Trips That Changed My Life
#travel (The times I broke my ankle,my leg,ankle again, foot, other leg)"
ReplyDeleteWell shit. Accelerated Rehabilitation?
From the same site: "Also called AR. A program that gives persons charged with a crime or motor vehicle violation for the first time a second chance. The person is placed on probation for up to two years. If probation is completed satisfactorily, the charges are dismissed."
DeleteQuite the slippery Fish.
What about the money he stole?
ReplyDeleteYea. Fish might have done some bad things, but if he is the worst person you have ever interacted with and you have to waste you life waiting on everything he says and comment on this blog about it -- pathetic.
If SF is the worst person you have ever met, have ever interacted with, consider yourself lucky. Do not get me wrong. He is NO saint, but is he willing all this? Fuck no.
Move on. Use this energy for someone who is truly a bad person.
But its hard to find someone who is so downright funny and predictable
DeleteWhen he pays me back the money he owes me, stops lying about all this crap he does, then I'll stop.
Delete" He is NO saint, but is he willing all this? Fuck no."
DeleteActually, Hell yes! Karma is a bitch. He is far from the worst person I have ever met but he is the leader in the most consistent absence of self-control/self-awareness while telling everyone else how to do it properly category which puts him in the piñata league. We're just wailing for the fences and some candy.
Nice try, Andrew
DeleteWe are overdue for a new post. I want to hear more tales of lying.
ReplyDelete'Right now it is a cross section of so many things I can’t even tell you exactly what it is I do. I am a photographer, I build social media for airline & aerospace companies, I write a syndicated blog and occasionally consult on aviation security issues.' "
Don't you have to get paid to call it an "occupation"?
Its time to get the old FF twitter account active again
DeleteDear Steven Frischling I will not communicate with you directly. You are a liar and a thief and therefore cannot be trusted in any way. But I recommend you download and read this.
ReplyDeleteNot for yourself - you are beyond redemption no matter the CT court system says.
But for your kids who have to take your name with them - read this for them.
Hey guys, I want to see some new content. I've got a great idea, how about doing one of the popular meme "this is what my parents think I do......this is what my friends think I do...this is what I really do"
ReplyDeleteHilarious... The "This is what I really do" photo could be the infamous photo of him asking the one-eyed waiter for more tartar sauce in the darkroom.
DeleteHe's got lots of picks we can use "what I think I do" is a picture of him in first class typing away at this macbook
DeleteFrom the BMI blog:
ReplyDelete"Before setting up the blog I spent the previous year flying an average of 15,000 miles a week for work..."
15,000 miles a week on average? Please. If he flew the equivalent of SFO-HKG round trip every week, he wouldn't even get to 15,000 miles. This also suggests that some weeks he was flying in excess of 15,000 miles.
SF...nobody...nobody believes this crap. Not only did you not fly nearly 800,000 in a year, but you most likely have not flown 800 miles in the past 12 months.
Surprised no FF fans have called BMI out on being 'had' by posting a profile of this guy. I'd do it myself, but fear the reprisal of someone who has nothing else to do but try to mine the internet for someone's personal data.
Here we go again. What a tool.
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
@RWMann Hey Ahmadinejad can't be all that bad, he goes casual with no tie & his national #airline invited me over to check them out!"
Hey, Frischling, since you seem to have a little credibility problem, please post the invitation from Iran Air on your blog.
DeleteFish selling his Sigma 120-300 2.8
ReplyDeleteI am selling my Sigma 120-300f2.8, Canon mount. The lens is in outstanding condition, with the exception of a circular pattern paint wear on the monopod socket.
I love the lens, but simply does not makes sense for what I have been shooting for the past year or two.
I am asking US$2,250 for the lens, including ConUS Priority Mail Shipping. The lens comes with the rear cap, front cap, hood and OEM soft case.
If interested drop me an email at fish @
The lens is obviously the one longer one of the two below (yes the tape will be removed and residue cleaned off)
"Flying With Fish
ReplyDeleteDear #Airline & #Travel #SocialMedia Executor, Tweeting to humanize a brand is great ... but stay on topic! You represent your brand not you"
Too much, here's our self-annointed SM guru admonishing people to stay on topic when tweeting. Just nuts!
Toss Up!
ReplyDelete"Flying With Fish
How does a check evaporate into thin air? I know where I put it and poof ... it seems to have taken the weekend off. Have you seen it?"
"Flying With Fish
ReplyDelete@macahan2000 My first DSLR , which was owned by those I shot for, was in 1994. Big, heavy, slow, horrible image quality, bad battery no LCD"
According to his Linkedin resumé:
Freelance Photographer
The Associated Press
Nonprofit; 1001-5000 employees; Online Media industry
1992 – 1997 (5 years)
We all know the AP Guild/Company rules prevented the wire service from loaning equipment to freelancers and stringers. Anyone with NYC AP experience ever recall him, or any other stringer/freelancer using an AP issued DSLR in 1994?
How old was he in 1994? 18?
DeleteAfter the introduction of the notorious AP stringer contract in 1996, letting stringers use company gear was strictly verboten, but prior to the contract many buros around the country lent stringers gear if they were in the circle of trust. However, I seriously doubt that Fishfocker ever was in the circle.
ReplyDeleteHe did have an old used NC2000 in the late 90s. He claimed it was an AP camera
ReplyDeletehe is now selling his sigma lens on who would take a chance on buying it from him given his last sales debacle?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the guy who wrote this has stopped by here before...
That sounds like Steven Frishcling, except for the family part - his family members would know not to hire him
DeleteHe must be sitting on his hands to avoid posting to this thread:
ReplyDeleteThen I wonder what he's doing to not post in this one:
Or comment #11 on this
Anybody out there with more FIshinfo, any news, bloopers, anything, it is so quiet in here. Any Fish sightings? Arrests? Anything? Evictions? Has he gone quiet or have people just stopped listening to the idiot?
ReplyDeleteYup, He is being evicted again!
DeleteThe Fish seems be changing his ways, and FishFraud so quiet. Could this be the end?
ReplyDeleteIf he's changing his ways maybe he will grow a pair and send us all of our wedding photos.
DeleteHis next court date is tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteyea, but I thought that these were just the visits to accelerated rehab
DeleteFrom what I have read on this blog, my understanding is that the goal of its creator(s) has been to run out of new material and become obsolete.
DeleteSteven Frischling
ReplyDeleteI almost can't believe that after nine months I am done fighting all this. Justice may be slow, but apparently works!
Like · · about a minute ago near New London, CT ·
I don't think he quite understands. He's not innocent, owes probably far more in legal feeds than he stole, and is still a felon and a deadbeat.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the money he stole? Is he paying that back?
ReplyDeleteSteven Frischling
ReplyDeleteYou know what has always pissed me off? When newspapers write about someone being charged with a crime ... but when those charges are dismissed (without arraignment or trial) the newspapers have no interest in writing about that. That pissed me off even when I worked at newspapers and it pisses me off even more now.
Someone accuses you and you're guilty. Court determines the allegations have no merit and people still think you're guilty.
Like · · a few seconds ago ·
Hey Fishdick, pleading no contest to avoid trial and having to serve a punishment in exchange for getting your charges dismissed is not the same as innocent.
I'm hoping that his efforts (see below) to contact Karen Florin, a writer at The Day Newspaper in New London, CT, are successful. It would be great to see a follow up article describing the felony charges and their eventual disposition (note to SF, that word is different that 'dismissal'). A proper writer will understand the difference between an Accelerated Rehabilitation program and a dismissal. Would love a more in-depth article that discusses his 'job' in more detail. The "Consultant and Corporate Photographer" whose business location is "The World". Can't wait for the shots of the ol' office there. See if the new digs have reached the slum-like quality of his last trashed-out leased house.
@KFLORIN I dropped you an email, would love to chat. Please give me a call. Thanks
This blog has a long time to live, apparently.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh!!! I was a good year while it lasted. I just pray that he doesn't become as active as he was, but I'm guess he will.
ReplyDelete"Connecticut authorities dropped a case against aviation blogger Steven Frischling on now-unproven larceny and forgery charges. The case revolved around Frischling’s work for in 2011 the KLM blog and his role in carrying out the project allegedly on behalf of the Innovation Analysis Group, which triggered the investigation. State authorities disposed of the case on March 9 and there was no settlement. Frischling, who pens the Flying With Fish blog on aviation issues says the “allegations against me were baseless and unfounded. At this time, I am happy this unfortunate turn of events has come to a close. The legal system ultimately worked the way it is supposed to and common sense prevailed”. Addison Schonland of Innovation Analysis Group expressed disappointment in the outcome."
yep a real credible source. I am sure the information was provided directly by our buddy. Let's see some real facts not Frischling's friends repeating his words
DeleteWho is Judith Leist? Best as I can tell, Judith Leist is non-existent. Let's see news coverage of what really happened. Anyone with any experience with Frischling understands that nothing he says can be trusted.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of which prior bad acts were excluded in his criminal case... those bad acts will continue to haunt him in the real world. I couldn't care less whether the rarified air in his head makes him think all is well in the blogosphere. Because:
ReplyDeleteIf he's such an awesome PJ- then he'd still be dropping lenses fr arena catwalks for AP/UPI/Getty/AFP/TARS/whatever He's NOT.
If Steven were trusted in actual journalism circles- by his own acct. he should already be a news anchor for one of the major networks. He's NOT.
If he was the awesomest (sic) travel strategist ever- he'd still be showing KLM/Lufthansa/Crackheadhanza/Air Mogadishu how to get'er done, eh!? He's NOT. The only high-flying he should be doing is on anti-psychotics.
If he was such an awesome wedding shooter he'd be shooting spring weddings right now- He's NOT.
If Steven was such an awesome parent and provider- he'd be.... fucking providing! He's NOT.
Tweeting about the seat setback and isle width on an airliner you haven't even flown in yet is a bit ghetto, eh? I suppose you could have used the holodeck on the Enterprise to replicate the cabin interior for your report.
Whether CONN dropped the ball in your CON case is irrelevant. Karma is exciting on the backstroke... it always comes back around.
Now he's gloating about some noname blogger clearing his name
exact same story as Anonymous Mar 14, 2012 10:13 AM
ReplyDeleteA little digging gets you the information that the "news" site that cleared Steve was created just 3 months ago with a private registration.
ReplyDeleteAny chance it was done by Steve?
Just keep ripping him whenever he leaves a comment. It's not like there is a dearth of material to point to that can shut him up.
ReplyDeleteThat Judith Leist "blog" appears to be nothing but relisted articles. Nothing of original content. No "about" nor "contact" info is listed either. There is a link to a "Judith Leist" Facebook page. On that Facebook page are wall links to various Judith Leist activities - including (here's the fun part), that in Jan 2012 Judith Leist is a New York entrepreneur, runs an online clothing company, is a private nutritional consultant, runs a baby food delivery service, was born in Miami, is a professional musician playing in orchestras throughout Europe, has one son, has two sons, has one dog, has two dogs, has three dogs, is from Arizona, has four children, lives in New York, lives in San Diego, was born in Atlanta, was a recruitment consultant, was a nanny in Australia, won first place in an amateur Atlanta filmmaking competition - and that's from the first page.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how that works, but that's bullshit of some sort.
Judith Leist is one of the 39 Steps.
ReplyDeleteOne of the best comments ever on this blog. Long live Hitch.
DeleteSimply Amazing.
ReplyDeleteSteven is using the Dick Cheney playbook.
From the Dick Cheney playbook: Feed the story to the NY Times during the week,
then on the weekend go on one of the news talk shows and quote the story you planted to begin with.
You have to admire Steven for upping his game to that level of dishonesty.
Do you have contact info for the news show or the NYT editor that ran the story?
ReplyDelete"Remarkable. You leak a story, and then you quote the story. I mean, that's a remarkable thing to do."
The White House leaks the story, and then Dick Chaney quotes the story on Meet the Press.
Steven is following in the footsteps of the greats.
Thank you for the info. I misunderstood the comment. I thought SF had given the story to the NYT and was later quoted on some show. I was thinking, the NYT?! Steven interviewed on some show? WTF. I want to see that. Oh man, I gave him way too much credit. Now I see what you meant. But this is too funny. The best Steven can do is rate a Judith Leist phony website.
DeleteThere is no contact information on the Judith Leist site. Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteTNOOZ contacts:
Tell them what you think about Steven Frischling and posting a story quoting "news" from himself.
tnooz editorial - who is checking their stories and facts? If you're telling the truth Frischling, you'll have no worries.
Editor Kevin May. or call +44 7870 677716 or Skype.
North America editor Dennis Schaal. or call +1 908 656 1783 or Skype.
Europe reporter Linda Fox.
Looks pretty "Fishy"
ReplyDeleteWhat newspaper would this be?
ReplyDelete"Great , newspaper follow up gets details wrong and makes me sound worse than when I had charges pending.
I love journalism."
I don't know about that Frischling. Facts and you don't seem to get along very well.
DeleteThe only detail that's incorrect in the article is his address. Wasn't he evicted from 49 Sea Breeze?
DeleteHe was evicted from Sea Breeze in December.
DeleteFrischling, 36, of 49 Sea Breeze Ave. had been granted accelerated rehabilitation, a diversionary program that enables first-time offenders to maintain a clean criminal record if they successfully complete a probationary period. Frischling completed the program and the state notified the court he would not be prosecuted. His attorney, Frank DiScala, then asked for a dismissal, which was granted by the court on March 9.
He altered the bank numbers. This is clear- he says so. Was he authorized to do so? Not according to at least one party. Apparently a court agreed. He committed an offense requiring probation and rehabilitation. In the end, if he isn't allowed access to the $22,000, then he wasn't authorized to do so.
ReplyDeleteDid at one time Frischling use bankruptcy as an excuse to avoid delivering photos, in addition to being sick and having cancer?
ReplyDeleteJust more lying as he tries to spin his offense as not-guilty. The guy never changes. This deserves a dedicated post.
ReplyDeleteWant to have some fun?
ReplyDeleteFrom this:
"First off, the term ‘rejected landing‘ is not an official or definable term."
Now Google® "rejected landing" and voilá, there you see the FAA and Airbus, numerous pilots' online forums,,, and even alleged Fish client USAToday among those using the term.
Wow, what an expert!
Dear Frischling. Thank you. The earth just moved.
DeleteHe also has trouble with the words "arrested," "extortion," "probation," "That never actually happened," "I'm sorry for keeping these for so long, I'll get them to you right away," and bank routing numbers.
ReplyDelete"Records show Frischling was granted acceptance into Accelerated Rehabilitation, a probationary program for first-time offenders that leaves the accused with a clean record when it is completed."
See Steven, the charges weren't dropped. They were dismissed after you admitted guilt in a plea deal in exchange for going into a probation program. Innocent people aren't referred to as "offenders" and don't cop a plea and go into a probation program.
Say what you will but we will always know you for the unceasing dishonesty that defines your so-called career.
"Flying With Fish
ReplyDeleteRT @thinkTANKphoto: Q. Do you need to formally study photography to be a good photographer? (Nope, not at all)"
Sure all you need to do is not deliver the photos and lie to all of your colleagues about your numerous heroic exploits for which you have no images and, poof, a "good photographers" is born! Hallelujah!
Word is Steven Frischling has been evicted again.
ReplyDeleteOh joy - how is he going to pay his lawyer? Maybe he will be back in court can hope.
The freakiness never ends
ReplyDeleteIf Fish tries to sell one of his Canon camera bodies, be sure you get to see the LCD on the back:
He's defending himself against "Hiker" on his blog. "Hiker" claims his blog is largely irrelevant:
"Secondly, give that I frequently cover stories in depth, and on a consistent basis, having beaten ‘major media’ to a number of big TSA stories, stories involving airlines such as Air India, beating everyone to the story of Emirates pulling the A380 from NYC by three months (yes they have brought it back) and undertake considerable research and time investment in what I do …"
Did any of that mean anything? Maybe Hiker should ask how he got those the exclusive on those 17 TSA interviews.…-now-available-for-the-amazon-kindle/
"If you don’t like my content, you are free to simply not read it … but if you think I write my blog for the money, you should think again."
ReplyDeleteFor such a SM marketing whiz he really knows how to employ best practices in reader engagement. Oh I get it, he writes the blog for self promotion by encouraging people not to read it. My head hurts...
And ^05:20PM, you should really put a warning on that first url link! ;-]
Sorry about that. Between the typos, Frischling's mixed messages, and his photos, you need to protect yourself before opening any links. Be sure to ask loved ones to leave the room, and wear a helmet. Some people might consider taking off their glasses too.
DeleteEeeewwww. He's got a five column photo in my Minneapolis Star Tribune Arts and Entertainment section today.
ReplyDeleteEwwww. He's got a five column photo in the Minneapolis Star Tribune's arts section today.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should ask the photo editors at the Strib why they are using an 11 year old file photo of a couple whose flock of sheep were confiscated by the USDA in Vermont to illustrate a story about an Ojibwe writer in Minnesota? That's some sad and lazy work. Hopefully AFP/Getty doesn't have to pay fishfunk any royalties!
ReplyDeleteRT @benetwilson 5 Stealth Ways to Find a New #Job with #SocialMedia Trust me-I'm living proof this does work! #jobs #SMHe's
Hahaha...he's proof out how someone can get jobs through SM?
Pssst, Stevie, if you don't get paid, they aren't jobs! New Rules!
Is he claiming to have some actual work now?
DeleteAny truth to the matter stopped at "Trust me."
DeleteThank you Sportsshooter photographers for not letting Frischling's most recent post (after an absence of one year) go "unnoticed."
ReplyDeleteMan I'm really in need of some new content. What happen to the blog owner?
ReplyDeleteHere's our boy's new venture that is sure to make him rich beyond his wildest delusions...
ReplyDeleteTweetAFlight, powered by, is a managed e-commerce solution that leverages an innovative social media strategy to monetize Twitter followers."
ReplyDeletegiven his business reputation this ought to be hoot
Typical typo on his FAQ page
ReplyDeleteQ: Does out airline need to have a PayPal account to use TweetAFlight?