The FishFraud Fan's Essential Pocket Guide

The FishFraud Fan's Essential Pocket Guide is the essential yet pocketable book of Steven E. Frischling's amazing adventures, as told by the legendary fish himself. Accept no substitutes in the genre of Frischling lore!

Frischling adventures

Frischling photos: MIA

The amazing things Frischling claims to have photographed yet mysteriously, has no photos to back these claims up. It's a mystery! Whatever happened to....


  1. DUDE, WHO ARE YOU. I LOVE THIS SITE. I HAVE NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD IN MY LIFE. THIS WEBSITE IS SO AWESOME. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DISLIKE THE DOUCHE BAG SO MUCH YOU CREATED A WEBSITE ABOUT HIS DELUSIONAL STORIES AND BULLSHIT. Listen, I was his landlord for 2 years from July 2014 through July 2016 when I evicted him. I have so many funny stories of lies he got caught in, perfect examples of what a loser he is. I have photos of his house while he was living there and the condition of the home. (His kids wipe shit on their bedroom walls and he leaves it there!) He basically stole from me by not paying me the last 3 months rent (which conforms to his 2011 arrest for stealing form a co-contractor and his suing his old landlord for pushing his own daughter down the stairs - which he got a settlement for as of 9/2/16 - look online, and that loser friend of his in Nevada....that was his landlord reference - who even told him that when I spoke to him about prior residency I called his kid a retard! ha ha!). I have endless material for you. And it's just starting! I told him that until he pays me my $5k, I was going to go on an endless campaign to smear him throughout town, throughout the schools his kids go to, and to the newspaper he takes pictures for - The New London Day. I will keep you updated as time goes on by posting my actions throughout time. This website, for example, has been passed on to people who work in the Niantic, CT schools who I know. We secretly communicate bashing and exchanging stories about thievin' Stevin' or filthy Frischling. Great site. Post and expose more of his lies. Love the pathetic go fund me pages to help pay legal bills and feed his dreaded offspring. Continue the great work.

  2. Muzzled dog case causes uproar in East Lyme

    1. Yes we all saw his story played out on Niantic Beach Bums page where all the people that are blinded by, don't realize his stories are false, ways yo get sympathy or money stood up for him....which most of them have never even met him. LOL

  3. Arrested for "just doing his job" - 2021:
