Sunday, November 06, 2011

Frischling Claims Homeland Security Monitoring His Email

Deluded blogger Steven Frischling claims the Department of Homeland Security is "monitoring" his email!



  1. Looks like Troy understands

  2. Troy M Bell: Director - Marketing & Air Service Development at Richmond International Airport

    If he doesn't already know Frischling is insane, it seems like he is slowly realizing it.

  3. DHS would only be worried about Frischling when he makes nut-job recommendations like putting false labels on his computer batteries. For that, they can just got to FishFraud. I'm sure this blog gets a lot of laughs there.

  4. I think Fish is losing it even more. He has to feel the walls closing in. The worst is yet to come. Personally I hope this goes to trial. Don't accept a deal Fish! You can beat it! LOL!

  5. He probably thinks his phone is tapped too, and looks in the rear view mirror to look for suspicious cars following him.

  6. 11:31, except he doesn't think that. He just says it because he's desperate for attention.

  7. 11:39: I guess he thinks that if the government is reading his emails, others will think he is an important person.

  8. Steven you're a hero man. Keep fighting the good fight. All of this is just to silence your, very powerful, voice. You are the only thing that stands between the TSA's groping hands and the necks of us vulnerable citizens who don't have the vast wealth of your airline knowledge.

  9. I was thinking this show of support must be Steven Frischling mini-me (AF), but then again there are no references to poopy pants.

  10. Reread and scan for sarcasm...

  11. "Flying With Fish
    @klmfan Not sure when I see AMS again. My layovers have all been LHR and FRA in the past 10 months
    3 hours ago"

    Anyone want to call bullshit on this?

  12. He did go to FRA (Frankfurt) during that trip where his Twitter got shut off. HAH! But I don't remember a stopover at LHR. And has been pointed out, he certainly would tweet every second of a trip, ESPECIALLY INTERNATIONAL, so yeah, total bullshit.

  13. He's full of shit as usual.

    But of course, ETB will say we're all a bunch of Jew haters like usual, but I'm guessing that Fish steps into shul the same amount he spends on airplanes...

  14. "Flying With Fish
    RT @latimes: Lindsay Lohan out of jail after serving 4 1/2 hours of 30-day sentence

    (why even sentence her then?)
    1 hour ago"

    Funny...tweeting about someone's jail time

  15. How long were YOU in custody after your arrest Steven? (And YES it IS an arrest if you walk into the police station to be booked.) You'll be a convict real soon there buddy. Maybe Andrew will come and visit you pal.

  16. Think he's going back to court today? He just tweeted:

    Won't be the first time I've worn @Adidas Sambas with a dress shirt and suit jacket :0)

    And he wonders why no one takes him seriously...

  17. Correct! If SF were to "globetrot" as he claims, he would be posting photos like a mad man seeing he's a "professional" photog?!? Right!?!
    Complete douche! Let's see the pics Stevie boy??!!

  18. Why would the DHS monitor his email when they've got FishFraud to entertain them?

  19. You know that FishFraud must be one of the most popular sites at DHS. I'd give anything to see the Google Analytics reports!

  20. 4:03 Trust me DHS has NO IDEA who Frischling is.

  21. 4:32 you think DHS employees don't google their organisation? Of course they do. Its got to give them schandenfrisch to know that one of their bashers is getting his due karma.

  22. Steven doen't rate high enough on any DHS radar to even warrant them knowing who he is. He's a clown who re-blogs crap he gets on the internet to a VERY small group of other clowns. He's a nobody and that's the part that really hurts Steven.

    I assure you if you went up to ANY DHS intel agent and said the name "Steven Frischling" they'd say, "Who?".

    He's a nobody outside of entertaining us with his nonsense.

  23. I'd venture to say that beyond photography, FishFraud is becoming quite a topic in the travel circles as well. I've met many people who already know this site. FishFraud goes beyond Steven Frischling. Even if you didn't know the guy, its downright feakin' hilarious.

  24. Yet the #avgeek crowd *loves* our Fish. And they all stick up for him. They also tell fellow travelers that we ignore him at "our own peril."

    Truly these people have fucked up priorities.

  25. From his keyboard to G-d's eyes...

    "Flying With Fish
    Three emails from one person this evening asking me to explain what exactly it is that I tweet about. The answer is...drum roll...who knows?
    10 minutes ago"

  26. Here's how an expert social media consultant promotes himself...

    "Flying With Fish
    Best email question of the day "What exactly do you Tweet about? Your Tweets don't seem to have any common focus." Yup, that's about right!
    2 hours ago"

    Redefines that whole branding thingy!

  27. in 2008, frischling said that he saw twitter as an annoyance and wasn't interested in it. now, it's his full time "job"

    " I looked at Twitter as a business tool for the non-photo venture I have started up and am now working to market.

    At this time, having played with Twitter I don't see it as a tool I'd want to use. I see it as an annoyance and I think it would annoy my potential client base. For those I am networking with, we have exchanged e-mail addresses, phone number, SMS-Text numbers (if they are different than phone numbers) , AIM screen names and Blog info.

    I think this info is more than enough. Other than my wife and a very small hand-ful of friends no one has the phone number that can accept SMS messages, as my business numbers do not receive SMS messages.

    If I don't want SMS messages, I probably don't want Twitter....and if I don't want Twitter, why would I assume my clients would want my Twitter updates?

    That's my take on it."

  28. I'll give him credit for the foresight.

    Problem is that now he fails to realize that nobody wants is Twitter updates (including "clients")

  29. I kinda like his Twitter updates... they are comic relief.

  30. I believe the last time Fish was in London was for Farnborough July 2010, he was with his mentor Simpliflying promoting the Bombardier stand...

  31. That Farnborough event was a flop I think. Fish took maybe one picture of the nose of the aircraft against the sky. There were very few tweets, I suspect it was because Bombardier was afraid of him saying random, non-sensical statements so the put a tight leash on him.

  32. What a maroon!

    "Flying With Fish
    @SafariGuru @NicoleTravelBug Great writing isn't important in #SMtravel ... Great story telling is what is important! #stm2011 #sm
    5 hours ago"

    How exactly can you tell any kind of story in a compelling way w/out great writing? What sort of people would take this kind of "advice"? Of course we have all come to know how important "story telling" is to the lad.

  33. If you want to know the importance of great writing, look no further than the Fish and his career for inspiration.

  34. Oh no! The DHS is not happy with the Fish

    flyingwithfish Flying With Fish
    @TheyCallMeEllis The agency seems less happy with me since I published an email from a DHS lawyer on the legality of TSA VIPR

  35. "Flying With Fish
    What I learned today ... US State Dept Public Affairs is actually more challenging to deal with than DHS or TSA Public Affairs.
    2 hours ago"

    Probably because they don't give any currency to whack job bloggers as opposed to dealing with established journos possessing bona fide credentials...oops got to hate that roadblock of actual verification instead of blogger bs acceptance...bummer dude

  36. State Department probably did a quick google search to verify and saw FishFraud on the top three lines and realized not to waste their time.

  37. I bet when frischling was trying to get the state dept. to talk to him he mentioned all of his now long expired credentials as well as ones he never actually had in an effort to convince them that he is a legit journalist. just like he did in this story where he says he was questioned for over 15 minutes for taking a photo of a congressman in front of the white house (where people take photos every single day.)

    "Keep in mind that I was pulled aside, with the Congressmen, while in possesion of, and displaying, my credentials from the U.S. House & Senate The Dept of Defense, the United Nations, the NYPD, Mass. State Police and about two dozen "White House Pool" credentials (both "N" and "L" credentials) from White House events"

  38. don't forget the "suspect felon" credentials

  39. looks like our boy is making up shit again to impress his twitter fan base. this time he says he was in bahrain for yom kippur. as far as I can tell, he has only been to bahrain once in february of 2004 for a few nights before going on his much exaggerated trip to 'near iraq" with the coast guard.

    from twitter
    "flyingwithfish Flying With Fish
    Q7. Favorite place you have ever spent a holiday? #TNI (Yom Kippur in Bahrain was interesting)"

    yom kippur was on sept 25th in 2004

    A stellar frischling photo from his february 2004 "near iraq" trip where he had stopped over in bahrain

    and why is he trying to make it seem like being a jew in bahrain is like being a jew in somewhere like iran?

  40. There is a small Jewish community in Bahrain, and they even have their own synagogue. This is a favorite technique of the Fish - insert a little known fact into a dialog to show how knowledgeable he is. His latest fantasy seems to be that he is some foreign policy expert on the Middle East.

    However, I don't see any evidence that he was not in Bahrain on 25th Sept. 2004. Remember, this guy is supposedly going back and forth and covering 3 continents in 2 days for extended periods of time. Perhaps a little more digging for a nugget to prove that he was somewhere else on that date?
