Thursday, December 08, 2011

Frischling evicted - The disgusting photos of the (former) FishBowl!

Lying travel blogger Steven Frischling claimed he had to move suddenly over the weekend, yet again, because his landlord was selling the house. To the contrary. His former landlord has shared these photos showing the appalling condition of the house, which was apparently never cleaned in any way.

There were children living in this filth.

Evictions in this area do not show up online apparently. But a civil lawsuit to recover damages to the home and to collect unpaid rent will show up online.


  1. Enought time to tweet all day. Enough cash (coming from somewhere) to buy ipads, ipods, macbooks, internet service, etc. Enough time to take pictures at the beach. But not enough time to clean the house.

  2. Gross. In one of his tweets fish was claiming he was cleaning toilets with bleach.

    Shocking. These photos really came from the landlord?

  3. gefiltefish I am friends with the landlord and was in this house today. Those pics are 100% real.

  4. 4:08 If you go back please take a photo of the name and address of that shipping box so that Fish-Hoarder cannot deny this is the filth he created and allowed his children to wallow in.

  5. Where is he now? Yesterday, he was tweeting about being on an airplane. Maybe he is jumping bail and off to Canada.

  6. I officially hate this guy now. The lying and cheating were one thing but seeing that he allowed children to live in these conditions, well, I can hate him now.

    Steven: I hate you.

  7. Priceless tweet from 11/27

    Flying With Fish
    @flyingwithfish Flying With Fish
    The secret to a really clean toilet, 2 parts bleach-1 part water. Smells like a hotel pool with a poor chemical balance, but it shines! :0)

  8. @4:22 I'll see what I can get you over the next couple of days. I live local and have to be somewhat discreet. Our kids go to the same school. Don't want him figuring out who I am.

    @4:27 Apparently he conned someone into renting him another house in the same neighborhood. Once I figure out where that is I'll be sure to drive by from time to time and see if he is sitting in his living room while he claims to be jetsetting it around the world.

  9. Flying With Fish
    @flyingwithfish Flying With Fish
    Who wants to come clean my living room and kitchen while I start prepping food for Thanksgiving?


  10. You can doubt he even cooked for Thanksgiving. He possess zero credibility.

  11. Another commentor said he moved to Ridge Trail which is a few blocks NW of that trashed crib.

  12. the landlord put them on her facebook wall which is public and talked about taking them to court. I don't know if I should link to her facebook though out of privacy concerns. He might start threatening her.

    These conditions are sickening. Locals, are you sure Susannah lived there too?

  13. There were 2 adults living there, I saw them packing up the van to move. So I don't she is much into housekeeping either. That is Disgusting.

  14. someone needs to call child welfare, I'm not playing around

  15. Ewww!! Those photos remind me of "Hoarders" on A&E.

    ^4:22. The white envelope on the floor next to the shipping box has the name of one of Frischling's sons written on it.

  16. I didn't think he could do it, but he stunned me. I am now stunned. I've worked on a few stories in my career when I have had to go into a domicile such as the one pictured. All of them involved people incapable of taking care of themselves.


  17. how can a registered nurse allow children to live in such unsanitary conditions?

    neighbors, PLEASE contact child welfare. These children are at great risk.

  18. The landlord needs to become a FishFraud supporter. I'm sure there are more pics and details that would supply a treasure trove of incriminating details.

  19. Kinda OT but this photo is just awesome:

  20. He is now on Ridge Trail for certain. How does he con the landlord into renting? I too am local and know for a fact he was moving, not on an airplane. DCF should be called, absolutely!!! He also tore up the lawn. It's now mud. Douchbag!!!!!!!!

  21. Lets see some pics of the (former)lawn.

  22. At least his former landlord finally has him out of the house. His new landlord is sick with cancer and just rented her summer house to them in good faith. Can you imagine how she's feeling now?

  23. It looks like he's lying about much more than TSO interviews. He's lying about nearly everything in his life.

  24. 10:11, when did you figure this out? (sorry, not offense intended, you just left yourself open to too easy of a retort)

  25. I feel sorry for the new landlord. She probably felt good to rent the place out to the nice young man with two of the cutest kids. When Fish finally leaves the new place, I'm sure it will be trashed as well.

  26. ^^ I've known Fish in professional circles for years. It's just hard to believe just how far he's gone with his lying. He's lying about his damn house! He can't even keep that straight. He's totally out of friggin control.

  27. The new house is located on Ridge Trail in niantic,ct

  28. I have pictures of the lawn he left which is a mess. Does anyone know how I can put them on the site. Thanks.

  29. maybe this will happen to frischling one of these days...

  30. Wonder if he's reading this using his iphone at court?

  31. Words I hope are said during the sentencing portion of Steve's trial.

    Steve: Your honor, I can't go to jail, I have to provide for my children.
    Judge: Steven, you have no job. And let me say this for the record, tweeting lies all day long is not a job.

    While you are in prison, you should learn to say the expression "would you like fries with that?" with a smile so you can find a job when you are on the outside.

  32. all I want for the holidays is a mug shot of frischling.

  33. "Flying With Fish
    It's the last day of one of those weeks where there is absolutely no way of getting on schedule. I hate when it's all out of your hands.
    4 hours ago"

    Yeah, those court hearings for felony charges can really wreak havoc on the ever so busy freelancer trying to stay "on schedule" what with all of the blog/client research and house cleaning for the family...

  34. Child Welfare can be called by anyone and is anonymous. Please call and let us know. I also have children who go to the same school and the principal has had other parents report issues to her. If all is compiled together the state of CT would have a case.

  35. "Flying With Fish
    RT @flightwisdom: @flyingwithfish (thank you)
    4 hours ago"

    @flightwisdom does not seem to be very wise, lending support to someone facing two felony charges.

  36. @9:32
    I think the child welfare people should be called by all of us. frischling is constantly tweeting about how his kid is awake at all hours of the night and runs wild through the house. there is obviously a severe lack of parenting going on in that house. I can only imagine what those kids eat. probably a combination of mc donalds and sugary foods.

  37. After not tweeting for five hours for some reason, we get this a few minutes ago:

    "Flying With Fish
    On a scale of 1-to-Unf%#king-Believable this is a 38
    6 minutes ago"

    Sounds promising!

  38. I know I'll probably be slammed against the wall for this one, but:
    I don't think it is anyone's business what kind of food his children eat. How healthy do you eat? Organic, no sugar, low sodium meals? Doubtfully. I am sure your kids have McDonalds here and there, and sugar. All kids do. It's a product of advertising and our culture. I wouldn't call that bad parenting.

    Also, has anyone ever moved out of a house/apartment after having lived there for an extended period of time? I'd like confirmation from the landlord that those photos were taken after the Frischlings were completely gone. As in, they left it in that condition. The floor looks like it has been walked on by a bunch of people trying to move an entire house with three children and multiple dogs. The items on the floor look like they are en-route to being thrown away at the end of the move. The shower looks like it has a lot of soap scum and dogs with muddy paws walked in it. The toilet looks like it should be cleaned, I'll give it that. The floor with all the dust bunnies looks like a large piece of furniture covered it and that's the first light it's seen.

    When you really think about the photos, they aren't really that bad. It looks like someone in the middle of a move. How often does anyone here clean behind a china cabinet or a refrigerator?

    I hate to rain on everyone's witch hunt here, but I don't find this to be shocking. It's rude if the house was left this way and they should be charged a cleaning fee, but otherwise this is not biohazard. This is cluttered moving junk with muddy paw prints and dust bunnies.

    Can anyone here confirm that the landlord claims the residence was permanently left this way?

  39. Hey (10:51) aka. Steve F, stop trying to convince us that your old house doesn't really look that bad. It's way to specific about how certain items in the house were and why certain areas look the way they do. Only you would come up with the exact details. Hope court went well.

  40. Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hellDecember 9, 2011 at 11:13 AM

    flyingwithfish Flying With Fish
    On a scale of 1-to-Unf%#king-Believable this is a 38

  41. Anyone here thinking summary judgment against Steven Frischling?

  42. 10:51, unless you are a total douche, when you're moving it's common courtesy to make sure you vacuum and sweep, and throw out all the garbage you won't be taking with you to your next hovel.

    When I really think about the photos, they really are that bad.

  43. The second photo is really not too bad if you think of it that way, like people in the middle of a move or irresponsible tenants that left a mess behind.

    But the other photos document filth, that the house was never cleaned. They didn't vacuum or clean anything.

  44. In response to Steve's "On a scale of 1-to-Unf%#king-Believable this is a 38" tweet...

    Julie @Luv2fli2
    @flyingwithfish Wow! hope this is a good thing!


  45. I don't think you can leave anonymous reports with child welfare. I think it's anonymous in that they don't tell the family who reported it, but you do have to leave your name with the agency.

  46. 12/9/2011

    This notification is brought to you by Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

    This e-mail is to inform you that there is an upcoming court event involving the defendant STEVEN FRISCHLING and docket number K10KCR110313446S. A disposition hearing has been scheduled for 1/13/2012. Please be aware that there is often more than one case scheduled for a particular date in this court. The hearing you may be involved in will take place some time during that day.

    This will take place in GA 10 Courthouse, at the following address: 112 Broad Street, New London, CT 06320.

    For updates about this case or for driving directions to the courthouse, you can visit For more information, contact the Office of Victim Services at 1-(800) 822-8428 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 8AM to 4:30PM.

    This notification is sponsored by the Connecticut SAVIN Program. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

    Thank you,

    The VINE Service

  47. Hey everyone, I just recently discovered this blog and learned about this piece of crap who lives in my town. What exactly did he do? What is the upcoming court appearance for?

  48. 10:51- Hey Fish! Nice work getting the UHaul buried in the mud and having to get towed out in the middle of the night! What kind of a dumbass drives a van on the lawn after 2 days of pouring rain? At least your off my street now and that was the last time you will disturb my peace.

  49. Welcome. You might want to start at the beginning of this blog and work your way forward to this date. Arrest was for felony forgery and larceny.

    We're working on a summary of the Amazing Adventures of FishMan to catch up new readers.

  50. It sounds like teachers and neighbors have been in contact with authorities. I would also think the children's aunts and uncles would be concerned.

  51. Don't you mean "teachers and neighbours"?

  52. There is definatlty neglect going on with the children. They're not the cleanest of children , allowed to rome free in the neighborhood unsupervised, it's also common knowledge that there is a registered CHILD SEX OFFENDER only a few roads away (SF you don't have a job and surf the web all day, you should know about website that has a list of sex offenders) there is clearly so much chaios going on with SF. & SS fighting breaking up and moving all the time that there is NO time to parent these children. I'm only saying this for the welfare of the children. It's sad to see the lack of manners and behaviors in the children.

    The house was left completely a mess. Filth! And the yard was torn up badly. NOT ONLY DID HE SCREW THE LANDLORD OUT OF $1300 ( my guess) per month, he also ruined there property. If you can't afford your rent Steven, why have dogs, they are expensive to feed and vet bills are not cheap. Guaranteed the current Cancer ridden landlord doesn't know about the two dogs pissing and smelling up the house. My hope is that this jerk and his lazy co-dependant girlfriend are found out to save these off the wall children.


  54. @2:05 Fish used to pal around with a sex offender - Rick Burnham. He was busted on 'To Catch a Predator' using the name 'Stevetakespix' to lure in young girls...

  55. You know who is ruining the lives of his children? Everyone who visits this blog! That is a truth I know you will all avoid because it causes you to evaluate your own actions, instead of poking fun at others.

    --a FRIEND of Fish.

  56. 5:47, you are as delusional as Steven if you think this blog is ruining his children's lives as you claim. There are two adults responsible for their welfare who are failing those children.

    You obviously don't know much about Steven Frischling either.

  57. 5:47 is Fish... PERIOD

  58. I am 5:47. I am not Fish. I was just using common sense and my eyes to evaluate photos. I can be anyone with a brain to do that!

    See the comments on the most recent post. I've said my peace there, AND addressed this silly "I'm not Fish" game.

    You've asked for someone to come to his defense in the past, I guess it was rhetorical. Ta-ta!
