Friday, February 18, 2011

Frischling Caught in Another Lie: Meet Chester!

Apologies but we cannot get let this go.

In response to our post ripping apart Frischling's claim of being sexually molested, he Tweeted this address from the Maine Sex Offender Registry:

It brings up a convicted sex offender named Erich P Pfeil. Frischling did not say this is the individual, but clearly he wants everyone to believe it is. He wants people to look at this nasty character and say, "Oh poor Stevie," and drop the subject.

Well we looked beyond the nasty face to the details and guess what... this cannot be the individual from Frischling's story.

Let's look at Frischling's original details that he "shared"  about this individual (who we've dubbed Chester) with the entire sports photography community here

He moved on to Maine, near where his family lived. While in Maine he was involved in a community church where four boys filed charges. Nearly 50 charges. Two boys dropped the charges and he was allowed to plead guilty to somewhere around half-a-dozen minor sex offender charges. He was found to not be a threat, and unlikely to pursue sex offenses in the future, given a light sentence and probation. 
He is now on probation in a remote town on the Canadian Boarder....I am sure hurting young children away from the eyes of the law. 
This does not match Pfeil's history at all. On the very same page Frishcling sent out, you will see he was convicted in 1997 for three counts of gross sexual assault and four counts of unlawful sexual contact! If you take .0001 seconds to google him, you will find he was most certainly not given a light sentence and probation but was sentenced to 36 years years in prison! This was reduced to 15 years because of a plea agreement. He appealed and lost, and you can find all the details of his original sentence at

Note that Frischling claimed four boys filed "50 charges" and "two boys dropped the charges." In the case of Erich Pfeil, he was indicted on 25 charges and there were three victims. At no point was he ever deemed "to not be a threat" and "unlikely to pursue sex offenses in the future." To the contrary.

If you read the court document, this is actually quite an interesting case and Pfeil is extremely stupid. He agreed to the plea and then later tried to go back and say the sentence was not fair.



  2. The thread to which Anonymous refers (above), although written in 2008 I believe, was started by a photographer whose credentials are impressive (look up "Pulitzer").
