Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Best of FishFraud!

We're playing around with Blogger pages and want to do a "Best of FishFraud" for newcomers. We want to link to the top content that has appeared on this blog in the past. Please leave a comment with your nominees for:

Funniest FishTale:

Most Offensive FishTale:

Favorite FishFraud Post: 

Favorite Frischling Idea to Counter FishFraud:


  1. My vote for the top three posts is him being a "deadbeat loser" on a phone sex hotline.

  2. Nice, but It should read:

    Favourite FishFraud Post:
    Favourite Frischling Idea to Counter FishFraud:

  3. I went to my favorite Mexican joint last night and ordered the Tacos al "tendinitos" and they were muy bueno...

  4. I love tendinitos with sour cream and cheese. My favourite!

  5. @7:25
    Did you get a free rotator cup for your fountain drink with you order of Tacos al Tendinitos?

  6. Think about the families of those he stole from, the brides without their photos, the people he lied to and hurt. Steven Frischling is the lowest form of scum!

  7. Steven has never had a bride of his own, so he has NO concept of just how important the wedding day is to a bride. He is below scum.

  8. I've worked with steve for a while and he has always been quite helpful and honest. Sorry, I wish I could share your anger, but, wait....hmmm...nope. Steve is OK
